Mastering Real Estate:
Your Personalized Virtual Coach Awaits

Chat with Virtual V, our Virtual Coach for FREE and equip yourself with the tools and insights to excel in the real estate industry. 

Discover Insights from Verl Workman’s Expertise

Ask Virtual V anything about real estate,
team-building, or generating new business. Virtual V is trained on an extensive video library to bring you answers, right at your fingertips.

Why Agents and Team Leaders Love Virtual V:

Instant Access

Gain live access to a wealth of knowledge anytime, anywhere and generate action plans for success.

Tailored Guidance

Whether you're a solo agent looking to grow or are starting a team, get advice suited to your needs.

Stay Current

As Virtual V's knowledge continues to grow, so will you! Stay prepared for changing markets.

Instant Access

Gain live access to a wealth of knowledge anytime, anywhere and generate action plans for success.

Instant Access

Gain live access to a wealth of knowledge anytime, anywhere and generate action plans for success.

Instant Access

Gain live access to a wealth of knowledge anytime, anywhere and generate action plans for success.

Agent Time Management

Scientists say we can use time better, even when we’re busy! We just need to learn good time management skills. This can help us achieve our goals and be successful at work. It doesn’t matter if you have lots of clients or work on a team, you can learn new ways to get things done and be more organized. By being better at time management, you’ll have more free time to do things you enjoy. This can help you grow and be even more successful. So take on the challenge of improving your time management skills and see how much you can achieve!

Agent Time Management

Unlock strategies to make the most of your time, whether you’re an agent juggling multiple clients or a team lead coordinating schedules.

Real Estate Insights

Get a handle on the shifting real estate market, from understanding the impact of interest rates to utilizing the best CRM tools.

Agent Team Building

Discover the advantages of teamwork, how to run effective meetings, foster trust within teams, and much more.

Agent Marketing & Growth

Learn how to market yourself, build a robust client base, and scale your real estate business to new heights.

Advanced Real Estate Coaching

Delve into specialized topics like harnessing AI in social media, understanding market shifts, and evaluating if real estate coaching is right for you.

What Our Clients Say

"My appointments closed went up 200% because of the coaching I received from Workman. I recommend it to any agent"
Brooke Sines
Brooke Sines
RE/MAX Grand Rapids
"It's a Thursday and I’m at my vacation home — No fires from the office and everything is running smooth! I got my life back."
Michelle Terry
EXIT Real Estate Executives

Virtual V is a Chatbot, Trained on Select Workman Success Systems Content. For access to all of Workman Success Systems coaching, training and platforms, please Contact Us for a Free Consultation.

Virtual V is powered by Coach Simple AI