3 Habits of Highly Successful Real Estate Agents

If you’re killing it in real estate, you might already be killing it at all three of the habits I’m going to list below. But even if you’re the Michael Jordan of real estate, checking in with your habits and daily activities is important to keep you on your “A” game.

After studying a lot of agents, I’ve noticed that they tend to naturally do the following three things. If you want to start building Predictable Greatness, this is a great place to start.

Huddle Up — Or Touch Base With An Accountability Partner

Daily huddles with your team are indispensable. They allow information to flow to whoever on the team needs to have it, give a space for better collaboration, create community, and serve as a powerful accountability tool. Regardless of team size, huddling up isn’t optional — do it every day to ensure operational excellence.

If you’re a solo act, you really should look into the philosophy of keeping an accountability partner for your business to keep your goals on track. Your check-ins with them might not be daily, but they should be regular. If you have an assistant or any administrative staff, have a daily touchpoint with them, even if it’s not particularly long. These touches should serve the same purpose as a huddle: share information that your team needs to keep everyone on the same page and create operational excellence.

Measure Everything

If you don’t track your numbers, you won’t really know where you are, where you’re going, or how to get where you want to go. If you don’t measure it, it didn’t happen.

Pearson’s Law states: “When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates.”

Don’t just measure your GCI or your incoming leads, measure everything. You need to know how many leads are coming in, how many of them are converting into closed transactions, how many touches you’re making with your Sphere of Influence — everything. To get any kind of clarity about where your business is and where it’s going, you need to know everything.

Use a CRM, hire an assistant, whatever (really, do both), but just know that being numbers-obsessed is essential to your success in real estate.

Work To Live, Don’t Live To Work

This is the philosophy of the truly great. Your job should support your lifestyle. If you’re sacrificing your lifestyle for your career, then you aren’t building a business — you’re working a job. How you work and how you approach your work-life balance speaks volumes about your success in real estate. If you aren’t leveraging your career to build the life you actually want, then you’ll never become truly great in this industry.

The real secret sauce here is simple: when you use your career to support your lifestyle, you have more energy and drive to actually do the work. When you work for something that matters to you — sometimes I call it your Big Why — it has a compounding effect on your business.

While many habits can predict success and greatness in real estate, the three listed above are a great place to start to build lasting success in the industry. Keep yourself accountable with daily huddles or regular touchpoints with an accountability partner, measure everything you do, and learn to prioritize the way you want to live over just working to work.

If it sounds simple, recognize that the path isn’t usually complicated — it just requires work and dedication beyond what the average agent puts out. This is your invitation to not be average by starting to build Predictable Greatness using these habits.

Up Next: 3 Ways To Avoid Fake Work In Your Real Estate Business

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