We’re Not As Good As We Think We Are

As Realtors, we’d love to believe that we can “do it all”. But the truth of the matter is, our personality profiles (what makes us tick) will define what we realistically can do naturally. Remember the DISC Assessment. D-Dominance I-Influental Steady- C-Consientousness. (If you have not taken the DISC assessment, there will be a link for it.) 

We as realtors are entrepreneurs and have the Big D (Dominance) in us. We are driven, big thinkers, fast movers, and we have plans and systems. However, the plans and systems are usually locked up in our heads where nobody can access them, AND yet, we think everybody knows them. Are you sitting down? TRUTH … we’re not as great as we think we are, AND giving up some control to systems and assistants will ROCK OUR WORLDS and the people around us.

Let’s focus on four specific systems and help that will aid you in having more time, making more money, and serving more people with a joyful heart.

  1. A Plan – It’s been said that failing to plan is planning to fail. Would you purposefully PLAN to fail in your business? Of course not. Sit down and figure out your year-end goals and then work it backwards to determine what you need to do quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily and even hourly.  Things will make more sense on paper where you can track and review it versus trying to sort that tornado in your head. Keep these plans in front of you and your team. Review and update them weekly. This will keep everyone accountable. There are lots of Business Plan Systems out there. Check with your Coach or Brokerage first. Google it or start by looking at the National Association of Realtors – www.nar.realtor/writing-a-business-plan.
  2. CRM/database – The days of keeping track of leads and clients in notebooks and backs of receipts are gone. You and/or your assistant need a contact management system accessible through multiple platforms. When choosing a platform, consider these things: do you want to have the ability to drip email campaigns from it, do you want to have different lead sources populate directly into it, do you want to have a calendar and reminder system built within the platform? No matter what system you decide, make sure your team is on board and that everyone IMPLEMENTS it. Take action!
  3. Transaction Management – Managing a few files a month can possibly be done in your head, but the fact of the matter is that you may have forgotten a few steps along the way and were able to work your magic to pull it all together without anyone knowing – except maybe your ulcer. If this sounds familiar, hire a Transaction Coordinator! Better yet – hire a transaction coordinator and get a transaction management system! A simple system should keep you on track and remind you of activities that should be done by specified times within the transaction. Your personality style probably doesn’t give you the gift of detail. Hire someone that is a HIGH S and C. They love the details and rules and will bring magic to the table! There are a number of great inexpensive transaction management systems out there. Look for one that works inside of your CRM. 
  4. Know Your Numbers – Here’s the truth: I’ve been in this business for 26 years and didn’t start looking at my numbers until THREE years ago when I decided to hire a coach. GAME CHANGER FOLKS! I surprised on the inefficiencies and the amount of money I was throwing away. Again, there are simple to complex systems out there. Pick or create something that tracks the important things; how many calls were made and number of conversations you had, appointments set and kept, listings taken, closed units, conversion ratios, gross commissions, and your return on investment (ROI).

Look at your business and your systems and get assistance where you need it by hiring where your talents are limited, buying or building a system to help, or do both. There is no one system that is the best, no matter what anybody tells you. The BEST system is always the one that works for you!

By Jackie Egan


Jackie’s successes in real estate have spanned over 26 years in the industry from running her own team, as a company owner, instructor, coach, speaker, and systems enthusiast. She specializes in creating, executing and sharing systems to leverage agents in their business and personal lives.

DISC Assessment: workmansuccess.com/newdisc

Special Thanks:        http://remag.rismedia.com/i/930707-feb-2018/68?m4=

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