Are You Still on Target?

We’re off and running! As we get further into the first quarter of 2019, now is the perfect time for a quick survey on your trajectory so far this year. So, how are you doing?

If you diligently prepared your business plan for the year, created the action plans to execute the pathways to getting “it” done and truly followed those action plans, this will be a gratifying experience.

But let’s assume that you’re not quite there yet. Maybe you never got around to planning your year, or your quarterly or monthly goals and plans. If you aren’t where you want to be, here are five tips to jump-start your year from here on out with strategies that are guaranteed if you commit to the actions:

  1. Write out a business plan* to create a blueprint for getting where you want to land by this time next year. Instead of trying to plan out the entire year, focus on the next 30 days and the activities you can do right now to rack up more sales and income. If your goal is to get two more listings in 30 days, create the action plan to make that happen. Your action plan might include strategies like circle prospecting or extending VIP open house invitations to the 40 properties around a new listing, followed up with a handwritten thank you note. When sold, offer the new owners a “housewarming open house party” to meet their new neighbors.
  1. Develop a daily action to become laser-focused at least one hour every day, five days a week, in order to identify where you want to acquire two more listings. If you have no listings, decide what area or development you want to target. Start running the newest listings from your own company and your competitors daily as your first action step.
  1. Figure out the turnover rate. Is it high enough to support your listing acquisition goal? Determine if there’s already an agent or company who dominates the area, and decide if it’s worth your time. Otherwise, select another area and become the expert. Learn the listing-to-sale percentages, average days on market, etc. Also, check out the latest software programs that identify actual buyer data to share with potential sellers to wow them with solid data from various web sources.
  1. Deploy circle prospecting* around your new listing with a 10/10/20 system. Substitute door-knocking and ask for their help in “finding a new neighbor” instead of mailing a Just Listed postcard. Make sure to include a save-the-date for the upcoming open house.
  2. Conduct an exclusive “sneak peek” open house for the immediate neighbors (the 40 around that new listing) and invite them to “see” the property before opening it up to the public. This allows you to:
  • meet the neighbors directly,
  • send a “Thank you for attending” note, or
  • send a “Sorry we missed you” note.

This action allows you to amass 120 direct touches in one concentrated area. Statistics indicate that the immediate area is most likely to provide a referral for a buyer or produce another seller who is interested in putting their property on the market.

Develop a solid plan and work it with laser focus—you’ll be on your way to connecting and converting more prospects to profits.

*For complimentary business and circle prospecting plans, please visit

Terri Murphy is a communication engagement specialist, author, speaker, consultant and master coach with Workman Success Systems. She is the author of five books and radio host for For more information, please visit or email[email protected].


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