Great training system! We have two new assistants and it has been great to be able to plug them into the admin training system. It has helped get them up and running quickly.
Jon Dunn
Get 86 transactions a year by spending 1 hour building relationships with people from your Sphere of Influence every day. You’re not in the business of selling houses — you’re in the business of conversations and building relationships! This 36-page eBook is designed to make you a relationship-building, transaction-closing machine.
Creating a business plan for real estate agents is the foundation of any successful home buying and selling business. Just like blueprints for building a new home, you need a blueprint of what your business will look like. It has been said that those who fail to plan plan to fail. Just like Greatness, we’ve found that mediocrity is predictable — use this Workbook as a business plan for real estate agents to plan past mediocrity and achieve Predictable Greatness!
This business plan for real estate agents resource is for anyone looking for new methods to convert leads and prospects into real clients who are excited — and ready — to make a deal. The SHIFT was created by the top minds in real estate from across the US and Canada and deals with real threats and objections agents are seeing right now.
Get four modules of the SHIFT for free!
Have you ever wondered how often you, or your employees, are doing fake work? Any activity that is not producing revenue or strengthening a relationship with a past, current, or future client just isn’t worth your time. The Daily Success Habits work as a real estate agent’s tools for success to help you look back at your day and see how much you actually accomplished. It’s incredible how small actions make big impacts: Achieve Predictable Greatness and produce incomes of over $1,000 an hour by tracking what you do and holding yourself and your team accountable to revenue-generating activities.
Millions of people have taken the DISC behavioral assessment to help them improve their professional and personal interactions. Understanding who you are and what drives you can really provide clarity and purpose. Based on four quadrants — dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness — the assessment helps you learn to play to your strengths so you can manage better, negotiate more effectively, and achieve Predictable Greatness.
Interesting concepts that will absolutely help your business grow. Worth the investment if you are looking for a quality coaching company.
Elijah Barker
If you're in Real Estate and you're not using the Workman Success Systems, you're missing a huge opportunity to elevate your business to extraordinary levels. Do yourself a favor and reach out to the team at WSS!
Tommy Daly
After 20+ years in real estate, I am blown away by the systems, tools, and processes WSS provides to their clients that lead to a natural, comfortable accountability. BEST in the business!
David Best
There are so many learning modules found within the Training Center of the Workman Success Systems website with so much useful information covered in a relatively short period of time that make complex information easy to understand. I look forward to learning more and improving our business daily.
Steven Amowitz
Verl's guidance, tools, and plans give you everything you need to be successful!
Michiko Chattulani
Workman Success Systems is the key to growing your business in real time in real ways!
Tamera Phallan
There are many really great coaching programs with great coaches. The real differentiator with WSS are the people, systems, and resources that help them to build their business with serious measurable results. The proof is always in the results and that best defines the Workman Way.
Terri Murphy
Definitely worth your time and investment into yourself!
Jeffrey Jimenez
WSS has the highest quality content and systems I have ever encountered in the real estate space. I highly recommend them.
Chance Brown
The wisdom and leadership of Verl Workman is a shining beacon of inspiration, and the fine people in his company reflect that brilliance perfectly!
Michael Scott
This is a system which NOT allow anyone to fail if you work the system!
Mel Feller
We noticed it really going — just one deal after another, rolling into each other. The systems allowed that to happen. They keep us organized. They tell us when to follow up, what to do, what to say, all of that. It keeps us in line and allows us to make those deals continue to happen.
Erika Ramsland
I had some systems in place, but it wasn’t intentional. Using all the tools got me on track to getting my time back.
Nicole Van Treese
Workman Success Systems empowers you to do the job well.
Sonia Rollins
In January, we wrote 32 contracts. Last year we did 26. We met 86 appointments in January, which is the same as 2022, but more impactful, as we had 600 fewer conversations. I attribute that to the skill and the power of the WSS program.
Mahala Landin
Before I signed up for coaching, I found and used a few of Workman’s free tools. When it was time for a coaching program, it was obvious where to go.
Nick Painz
Now that I understand the systems, I know what I’m working on. I’ve built things out — it’s just easier to do.
Latoria Williams
The systems and processes drew me to Workman. Seeing all the spreadsheets and tools sucked me in. Who knows what happens with a lead when you’re not tracking it? You might as well flush money down the toilet.
Brooke Sines
You probably know where you want to go, but how do you get there? Let’s review our template of a business plan for real estate agents, and what’s next for you — answer a few questions, and we’ll tailor a solution for you!
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