How To Create Memorable Real Estate Client Events

Client events create memorable experiences that can add to your team’s legacy. The goal with any event is to put your team’s name and service at the front of people’s minds in regards to real estate and getting out in your community. Putting on a fantastic client event once a year or even several times a year can yield long-lasting connections with your Top 50 and SOI. Become known as the go-to team by throwing your own client event. 

What is Your Goal?

Understand that not every type of event produces the same results, so make sure you have a goal in mind. There are many types of goals that can be at the center of your event such as: community-building, brand awareness, sales-focused, customer growth, education, recruiting, partnerships, lead generation, and cause awareness. 

Serve Regardless of Opportunity

The best events are acts of service regardless of opportunity (SRO). When you serve regardless of opportunity, you choose to do good for others and give back regardless of whether or not you have the opportunity to make money. However it is unusual to not have a deal come out of your good deed. 

The idea is to show appreciation and serve your clients and community — and yes the cost to do this often comes out of your pocket! But when your team is seen hosting events and proactively serving others, the business follows. 

Examples of Memorable Client Events

Team-sponsored events can bring real recognition and clout. Pick a type of event that you think will have the most impact in your community. The event that you pick should benefit those who you are trying to speak and market to. Here are some examples of events that can impact your community and drive growth in your business: 

  1. Charitable donations/ drives (shows that you care)
  2. Block parties (stating that your team services the neighborhood)
  3. Dinner events (giving back to those who have used your services)
  4. Physical events i.e races (be sure to announce yourself as the sponsor)
  5. Contests (where your team can judge or sponsor)
  6. Online party (have shoutouts or commercials)

Get Your Name Out There

Events can both expand your reach and get you in front of more people in your community. As your brand awareness increases from your events, you’ll be placed front-of-mind for anyone in your community who wants to buy or sell a home. Your event will also allow your team to prospect or market yourselves as pillars in the community and experts in the field of real estate. They are also a great way to collaborate with local businesses and gain recognition as a local business yourself. 

Be Part of the Community

When you work with businesses or individuals within your community, the collaboration can build trust in the attendees of your event. Working with businesses that attendees already know and love can put you in a great position to be a standing part of the community for years to come. 

From professional networks to new friendships, events naturally connect people, and every guest is a potential client. Building your hosted events will take time and effort, but they are one of the best ways to show how you and your team can help your attendees buy and sell their home.  

If you’d like to learn more about strategies for growth and ways to serve your clients at a higher level, schedule a free consultation with one of our business analysts to discuss what will help you achieve the success you want.