Kicking 2022 into High Gear: What’s Your Plan?

Do you have a plan for 2022?


It’s a truism that real estate slows down at the end of the year. The busy holiday season, colder weather, daylight saving time -there are plenty of excuses for lagging end-of-year production. If this is the story that most agents seem to believe, then you know that most of your competition is slowing down their efforts. Now is the best time to hit the gas! If your area tends to slow down this time of year, it is your opportunity to step in and make those sales that other agents aren’t looking for.

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It’s also your opportunity to invest time in planning. If you haven’t completed your 2022 business plan yet, put your slower days to good use by getting everything in place for a dynamite first quarter next year. What you do today won’t fully pay off until 90 days from now – what do you want that day to look like?


Every producing agent can leverage their Top 50 to produce leads and referrals throughout the year. If you are an established agent, perhaps you’ve already identified your Top 50, or have a good idea of where you’d draw them from. But what if you are just starting out or you’ve freshly arrived in a new location? Sara Guldi stressed the importance of topping out that list anyway. Find two new additions every day for the next month, and once you reach 50 individuals, you can start making choices about who to remove. This isn’t a forever list; rather it is an evolving, organic group that reflects your life.

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Now is the time to start cultivating your daily success habits for next year. These are not things like waking up early and eating your vegetables; we’re talking about healthy business habits, and the healthiest business habits are defined by their money-making potential. The WSS Daily Success Habits Tracker was designed to help you focus your energy on pursuits that directly grow your business. By using this free tool, you can pinpoint where you are being truly productive and where you are just burning time (and money) at work.

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Guldi recommends identifying one key metric to focus on from now through the end of 2021. Metrics are activities that get you closer to signing contracts and closing deals, from setting a listing appointment, hosting an open house, contacting leads – anything so long as it is dollar-producing and trackable. Remember the 90-day principle: what you do today is really for 90 days from now. Imagine what success you’ll be enjoying then if you spend the next 90 days dominating your chosen metric.

Planning isn’t only about conceptualization and goal-setting. The whole reason we plan is to take action. Engaging in action now will pay dividends sooner rather than later. With some forethought, 2022 can be your best year yet



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