Leverage Learning

Walking through Temple Square in Salt Lake City last January, I found myself asking our friend and guide questions, about the architecture, art and the Mormon faith, almost non-stop. And at some point, one of the friends in our group looked at me laughingly and asked, “Do you ever stop learning?” That’s a No. I love to learn for the sake of learning and understanding.

As I thought about the topic for this article, the story from Salt Lake kept replaying in my mind. We often hear about Leverage in regard to team building or hiring a lawn service or a cleaning company or even a personal shopper. Less often have I heard it applied to Learning. And that is a huge miss in our industry. Generally we recognize that people are the most valuable asset of our companies and organizations, and at the same time we overlook that one of the reasons they are the greatest asset is their ability to collaborate, and collate and create knowledge as a community of practice and learning.

Etienne Wenger in his 1998 Article, “Communities of Practice: Learning as a Social System” not only defined these “communities of learning” he also discussed how they function and the resources they create when they operate on this level. He posited that these communities are everywhere; and indeed, they are: work, school, church, clubs; and that we join them by participating rather than by affiliating. They can exist with and across departments, institutions and companies. It is important to recognize that a team can be a community of practice a community of practice is not always a recognized team. The most powerful functions of a community of practice that are usually seen are exchanging and interpreting information, retaining knowledge, keep up with new cutting-edge practices, and even provide homes for identities.

In January 2018, at Leverage 18, Workman Success Systems Team Summit, Verl Workman talked about the television show, “Wisdom of the Crowd” on stage in his opening remarks. Though recently cancelled, the television show was still well-received by audiences. The premise is the story of a tech innovator, driven by the unsolved murder of his daughter. He creates a crowdsourcing app for publicly sharing information, to solve his daughter’s murder, and reinvents crime solving in the process. As he taps into the “wisdom of the crowd,” successfully, his determination grows to solve more crimes, and in the show the way crime-solving has always been done, changes at its most basic level.

At Workman Success Systems, you will find some of the brightest and best minds in the industry and much of the material used is crowd sourced with these agents and entrepreneurs. This community of practice is the epitome of leveraging learning.

By Sara Guldi


Sara Guldi is a 13-year veteran of Real Estate. She lives in Florida and has a team in Maryland that consistently exceeds $20 Million in production annually, with an average sales price of approximately $165K. In their best year the Guldi Group did $64 million in production, and they attribute their long-term success to a strong commitment to systems and coaching. Sara’s passion is coaching and she loves helping others build amazing business and lives using the Performance Coaching systems developed by Workman Success Systems.

Special Thanks:       http://magazine.rismedia.com/t/14873-mar-2018/61

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