RE/MAX Training

Coaching And Training That Will Rock Your World

Now available in custom RE/MAX branded training centers!

Coaching isn’t for everyone—but training is. After all, no matter what you know, no matter how you’re doing, you can do better. A lot better. And so can your team. Our training modules are all online, so you can choose what you need most, and devour it as quickly as you like. We show you how to eliminate busywork, and give you the tools to do it. We teach you how to prospect, generate leads, train your admin, close more deals, and on and on. Everything you need to shoot for the stratosphere. We know your pain. Let us give you the tools to do something about it, once and for all.

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Free Enterprise Consult

Seller Listing Agent Mastery

Agents make a lot more when they are listing than when they are representing buyers—because they waste so much time driving buyers around. Agents who want to grow must decide to list, and if you are going to me a master at listing then SLAM is designed for you!If you’re tired of losing deals to your competition, you need a little SLAM in your life. This training material is crowd-sourced from the best listers in the country—every single one of them making seven figures. Real solutions and tools to help you win in a crowded market. When you’re done you’ll have a pre-listing package, a listing package and a marketing plan and every system to run a high volume listing focused business, that help you go head to head with any top agent and succeed. 30 Self Paced Videos Include:

  • Pre-Listing Process
  • Listing Appointment “Best Practices”
  • Marketing Plan
  • Open Houses On Steroids
  • How To Find More Listings! 

Admin Mastery Program

Everything you need to get your admin trained like a rockstar and running your business!Salespeople don’t want to worry about administrative hassles. But they’re the number-one thing that bog down their business. Nor do they know how to hire and train an effective administrative assistant to ease the load. AMP puts a path to operation excellence at your fingertips. How to get the most out of your CRM, do marketing, follow up, and so much more—everyday tasks that can (frankly) drive you nuts. It’s all right there to help you get efficient and profitable.60 Self Paced Videos Include:

  • Creating Operational Excellence
  • Customer Realationship Management
  • Transaction Management
  • Intentionally Creating Core Values
  • Time Management
  • Marketing and more!

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Free Enterprise Consult

Buyer Agent Mastery Program

48-60 closed buyer sides a year!That is what our superstar buyers agents close when they follow the systems and strategies in our BAM program BAM shows you how to be more efficient and effective when representing a buyer. This sixteen session series includes 16 videos, weekly live role-play calls and a host of useful, time-saving forms, prospecting systems, tracking and more. It includes training on lead conversion, prospecting, overcoming objections, negotiation and how to flat out dominate in your market with buyers. Everything you need to compete and win. 16 Self-Paced Videos Include:

  • Business Planning
  • Power of Prospecting
  • Open House Mastery
  • Internet Lead Conversion
  • Agent Safety
  • Overcoming Objections and more!