Real Estate Marketing That Works: Service Regardless of Opportunity

Serving real estate clients

In real estate, the purpose of your marketing and communications is to keep you top of mind when people in your sphere are ready to buy or sell. But if your message isn’t refined, your consistent contact can quickly turn to hounding and begging for business, and that doesn’t work. So what is your marketing strategy doing to earn business instead? 

Workman Success Systems coaches practice an elevated form of marketing that draws clients and referrals to them. How? Every contact must reflect the agent’s intention to serve regardless of their opportunity to make a commission. At the end of the day, nothing justifies doing a business transaction better than genuine relationships and clear intentions to serve regardless of opportunity. This philosophy of SRO should be the motive behind every business interaction.  

As a firm believer in the power of SRO, master coach Terri Murphy says,

“When you’re out there to give, you allow abundance. When you’re out there to get, you’re only going to get scarcity.” 

For those who are in the business of real estate to help themselves only, their marketing can seem manipulative as they try to leverage clients, using them as a source of commission. SRO is the opposite.

“When [the agent] becomes the resource, then people can come to them for any reason, and that creates long-term referrals. So at the end of the day, they’re still getting referrals, but they’re not so upfront about going tit for tat.”

Terri suggests transforming marketing messaging by building relationships with service as the underlying intention.

What if we stopped looking at the activities that we have to do to engage people as some kind of intentional manipulation? What if we made them feel like they were the most important people to us? What if we really thought about building relationships?”   

What happens when agents lean into messaging guided by SRO? How does this promote abundance versus the scarcity created by selfish intentions? Well, you can’t manipulate the consumer or their timeline for buying or selling, but when you consistently provide value and service, you’ll always be top of mind when they are ready. 

Service is the only logical reason an agent represents a buyer or seller in a transaction. For the client, there is no other explanation. “You don’t care about tires until you may have a flat tire,” says Terri, and the same goes for real estate agents — clients don’t need you until they do. In the meantime, your marketing should remind people to choose you when the time comes. The only thing that will really speak to people, from potential leads to clients at the closing table, is how you can support them. The only way to prove that you’re the better real estate agent in a competitive market, is service regardless of opportunity.

To learn more about integrating the SRO model into your real estate business, schedule a FREE business strategy session with our professional business analysts.

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