Team Study Reveals Unique Insights on Real Estate Teams

Earlier this year, Workman Success Systems partnered with the Center for Generational Kinetics (CGK) to conduct a national research study on real estate teams. The study was commissioned to provide the real estate industry with statistically accurate data about teams. The results provide insights to help agents, brokers, and brands grow and sustain teams well into the future. 

The study sample comprised 500 currently licensed and active real estate agents working with at least one other person on their real estate team such as an assistant, partner, or another real estate agent. The study indicates that teams enjoy immense popularity among the agents that are part of them because those agents believe their team helps them to be more successful. The study also provides valuable insight into team members’ opinions regarding management and leadership styles, culture, training, and more. 

Download the complete team study here:

Other key discoveries include:

  • Team members across generations all value teams highly, but their individual reasons vary greatly.
  • While men and women have highly overlapping experiences with teams, there are several critical differences, particularly when it comes to earning power and growth opportunities.
  • Four in five agents on teams say being on a team makes it more likely that they will stay in real estate  – particularly critical when most new agents do not renew their licenses after two years.

Taken in sum, the study broadly confirms what many in the real estate industry already believe: that teams are beneficial to agents, leaders, brokers, and organizations –  and that the team model is here to stay.

Workman Success Systems was founded in 2014, and seeks to empower real estate teams and agents to create leverage in their business so they can achieve a more balanced life. By applying proven systems to their operations, agents are able to be more present with their families and be positive forces in their communities. It allows them to develop others within their teams, providing stability and upward mobility for other agents, as well as opportunities for people and businesses in their sphere. 

Today, Workman Success Systems is the leader in real estate team coaching with thousands of clients across North America and a network of Certified, Senior, and Master coaches with deep experience running successful teams. Through hosting major industry events like Leverage and forming partnerships with national franchise brands, large regional brokerages, and independent broker/owners, Workman Success Systems is poised for continued growth well into the future.

To download a complete report of the team study, go to

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