Today we’re exploring one of the most crucial aspects of building a successful real estate team—hiring. Specifically, we’re talking about who to hire and when to do it. While many people think hiring is the most important step, I’m here to tell you that it’s the preparation and groundwork that really make the biggest impact. Let’s talk about how you can set yourself up for success before you even make your first hire.

The Importance of Preparation

Before you start hiring, it’s essential to understand that the real magic happens in the prep work. You need to know exactly what roles you need to fill and the kind of people who will thrive in those roles. Hiring isn’t just about filling a position; it’s about finding the right person who will help you grow your business and take it to the next level.

I’ve always said, “If you don’t have an assistant, you are one.” So, let’s take a moment. How many of you currently don’t have an assistant? It’s okay—many of us start that way. But here’s the thing: I can’t help you reach that high six-figure, seven-figure, or even higher income level if you’re spending your days doing tasks that you could outsource to someone else. You need to focus on what you’re best at—prospecting, listing, selling houses, and negotiating contracts. Everything else? It’s time to bring in a specialist who can handle those tasks more effectively than you can.

The First and Most Important Hire: Your Assistant

When you’re ready to build a high-producing team, your first and most critical hire should be your personal or business assistant—your empowered champion. This person’s job is to take tasks off your plate so you can focus on what truly matters. Whether it’s managing client meetings, scheduling, keeping your database up to date, or even making sure you have something to eat during busy days, a great assistant ensures you stay focused and productive.

The key is to empower them and give them the authority to excel in their role. When they thrive, you’ll thrive.

The Ideal Team Player: Hungry, Humble, and Smart

One of my favorite authors, Patrick Lencioni, wrote a fantastic book called The Ideal Team Player. In it, he identifies three crucial traits you should look for when hiring anyone for your team: hungry, humble, and smart.

  • Hungry: This means they’re driven and eager to succeed. They’re willing to do the hard work because they have a strong desire to achieve and contribute.
  • Humble: Humble people are teachable. They don’t think they know it all and are open to learning and growing within their role.
  • Smart: This isn’t just about intelligence; it’s about having the common sense, life experience, or education that helps them succeed in their role.

Key Interview Questions

To help you identify candidates who are hungry, humble, and smart, here are some of the key interview questions I use:

  1. What is something you used to believe that you no longer believe?
    This question challenges their ability to adapt to change and reveals how open-minded they are.
  2. If you had two teleportation devices, where would you place them and why?
    This question tests their critical thinking and creativity.
  3. Are you working on anything exciting outside of work?
    This helps you determine if they’ll be a good culture fit and if they have a life outside of work.
  4. Is there something during this interview that I should have asked you but haven’t?
    This gives them a chance to highlight something unique about themselves that might set them apart.
  5. Tell me about a time when something didn’t go as planned and what happened next.
    This reveals how they handle unexpected situations and whether they take ownership or place blame.

Practice and Perfect Your Hiring Process

Hiring is a skill, and like any skill, it takes practice to get it right. Don’t just wait until the interview to start thinking about these questions. Practice them with friends, family, or colleagues. Get comfortable with asking them and analyzing the answers. This preparation will help you gain the insights you need to make the best hiring decisions.

When you bring someone on board who is hungry, humble, and smart, you’ll open up new opportunities for growth and success. Remember, building a successful team starts with hiring the right people—and it all begins with preparation. Let’s get to work!