Why Does My Team Need to Huddle Every Day? Accountability Equals Love

Starting the day with purposeful, consistent action—including a reminder on core values and goals—is the way to keep your team focused on what is important and progress toward those goals.

Just like its name states, the Daily Huddle is an accountability activity that happens daily. Meeting with and holding your agents and listing partners accountable results in a higher volume of business with greater results and more money-making activities (MMA). Scheduling this into your daily routine will ensure you are holding your agents and partners accountable during the day.

How much more intentional can your team’s and your own actions be if you begin your day reminding yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing? This way, you know your current progress for whatever you are wanting to accomplish.

Let’s put this in terms of a diet. If I know I need to lose 10-15 pounds (let’s be real here) before my class reunion in three months…

Option one for reaching my goal is I tell my husband and my friend that I have this goal. Maybe they help me or encourage me for a day or two, but if I don’t talk about it, they are not likely to mention it anytime I don’t.

On the other hand, I can begin each day with a group of people that I trust, and we focus on what my goal is (losing the weight, in this situation) and why it’s important to me. If I hit a roadblock in my progress, this group of people can offer the wisdom to help get me through and remind me why this goal is important to me. How much more likely am I going to be to reach my goal? (Not to mention that I’m more likely to stay focused on my goal, because I don’t want to let down my group of people.)

The daily huddle should be a short, 15-minute huddle consisting of:

Goals and Mindset for the Daily Huddle

  • Review the agents’ daily activities.
    • Did they prospect for at least one hour?
    • Did they make at least 25 dials?
    • How many contacts total were made?
    • How many appointments were scheduled?
    • Did they role-play for at least 30 minutes?
  • Review/recite core values.
  • Share any wins/successes/learning moments.
  • Demonstrate appreciation for their hard work and commitment to you/the team
  • Model positive behavior and culture—it matters!
  • Changing habits take time—nothing happens overnight! Be patient and positive.

Having a daily huddle allows the day to begin on a schedule, helps with focus and motivation, and provides accountability in a non-threatening way. I can’t think of many reasons that this is not the best way to begin each work day. Transparency, accountability and clarity all rank pretty high on keeping business moving in the right direction. Did you huddle today?

With almost 25 years in corporate training and support, Tamera Phallan has been helping agents grow their business in the financial services and real estate markets locally and nationally. Educational accomplishments include a BBA and an MBA in Marketing from LeTourneau University in Texas, and industry designations include ABR, GRI and TRLP. Recently, Phallan has joined Workman Success Systems as a Coach in Training. For more information, please visit www.workmansuccesssystems.com.


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The article is here.