How Workman Success Systems Helped Brooke Sines Go From Overworked Solopreneur To Leading Two Teams With Her Weekends Free

After 1 year of coaching, Brooke’s GCI increased from 100K to over 250K.
. . .
After 5 years, she was up to over 750K.
Case Study

Brooke took her life back by adopting systems created by Workman Success Systems to create Predictable Greatness. She was able to . her real estate business, spend more time at home, and live her life by design.

See how Brooke went from overworked and on her own to successfully leading two thriving teams with enough time to spend her weekends and nights at home with her family:

When Brooke Sines started her real estate business, she wouldn’t have told you she was looking for less time with her family — but that’s exactly where she found herself during her first year of business while on what was supposed to be a family vacation to a Disney park.

“I was in the middle of Magic Kingdom, but I don’t remember a bit of it because I was so busy trying to get everyone around me to be quiet so I could work a deal.”

Brooke was going it alone and didn’t have systems, organization, or boundaries set in place that would allow her to work the way she wanted to. In her own words,

“I was pulling my hair out and running around like a chicken with its head cut off.”

Brooke knew there had to be a way to get her life back. She didn’t just want a lot of good advice — she wanted tangible, all-in-one solutions.

“It was important to me to have everything in one place.”

She went searching for ways to systematize and automate her business and found Workman Success Systems.

“The systems and process drew me to Workman. Seeing all the spreadsheets and tools sucked me in.”

Her coach examined Brooke’s business and introduced her to the systems it was lacking, then coached her on their regular use.


Brooke’s Success Has Been .

Coaching with Workman Success Systems changed Brooke’s business forever; Brooke increased her Gross Commission Income, started two separate teams in different states, and got her nights and weekends back so she could choose to spend more time with her family.

“The Workman systems and processes are why I have that choice.”

After 1 year of coaching, Brooke’s Gross Commission Income increased from 100K to 250K.
After 3 years, she was up to 500K.
After 5 years, she was up to 750K.
From the Client
"I went from trying to run a business solo — with no work-life balance — to having two different teams in two different states that are run so systematically that I’m home all nights and weekends with my family."
Workman Success Triangles
Brooke Sines
Associate Broker and Team Leader
Grand Allure Home Group

More .

“My appointments closed went up 200% because of the coaching I received from Workman.”

And A Bigger Business. . .

Brooke went from being a solo producer to leading two teams in two states — with a third on the way!

With Time For Her Family

“I went from . . . no work-life balance to [being] home all nights and weekends with my family.”

Let's Talk

Come see for yourself — Brooke’s results are typical of clients who apply the systems, processes, and behaviors their coaches identify as missing from their business.

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