Behind the Curtain at Workman Success Coach Training Day 2

Two times a year, Workman Success Systems puts on an invitation-only event for its coaches to ensure they’re well-taught in the Workman Way. This Coach Training, I’m privileged to be able to sit in and give those who didn’t attend a peek behind the curtain. 

This is Part Two of a series! Check out Part One and Part Three.

Day two is all about Workman’s coaches coming together to celebrate wins, share wisdom, and grow together. Presenters invite questions and feedback from their audience to make sure everyone here is getting the best possible experience. It works—the open-forum format serves this group well and no one is shy about sharing their experience with the group.

It’s hard to say for certain just how much real estate experience is collected under one roof during day two of coach training, but my low estimates put it at around 800 years of experience with selling, buying, and coaching. That number isn’t surprising given the level of the training and conversation during day two; these are clearly experts talking with other experts.

Verl trains a coach live on the spot.

Another Hot Seat with Verl reveals to more than one team leader that there’s a better way to hire, delegate responsibilities, and build a real estate business. “If your business relies on you to keep on producing, you have a pretty nice job—but you don’t have a business.” Verl is bold in his statements, but the reaction from the crowd is clear: he’s telling them how to live better lives. This is love in action. This is the Workman Way.

Nate Workman runs a training session on communicating that focuses on helping clients understand their next logical choice instead of overcoming objections. It’s very nuanced and incredibly high-level in its execution. That these coaches—all of them industry experts and none of them uncomfortable with communication—embrace the concept so readily speaks to the willingness of this group to be open to new things. It’s a hard concept and the execution isn’t perfect, but the willingness is very obviously there.

The coaches come together and share so much at coach training.

The room is, at times, emotional. The coaches share very personal and real moments from their careers—their lives—and it’s apparent to any watching that these people eat, breathe, and sleep the lifestyles they preach. Each of them has been impacted and benefitted by the things they teach.

Day two ends with elevations. Coaches-in-training become Certified, while a few others take a level, their experience and talent qualifying them for more responsibility and status. Workman leadership stands at the front of the room and invites each elevated coach forward by name, congratulates them, recognizes them with an award, and, together, pose for a photo while the assembled crowd cheers and celebrates their dedication, commitment, and success.

Samantha Knoerr elevates at coach training.

Day two is a fantastic reminder of the humanity behind these industry titans. Kindness is the watchword at the conference, with each coach I spoke with making time to sit and have a real conversation with me—then remembering me after the fact. Workman Success Coach Training brings together some of the most impressive names in the industry—and shows those of us lucky enough to be behind the scenes just how normal these exceptional people really are.

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Up Next: Behind the Curtain at Workman Success Coach Training Day 3