Coaching with Workman, Michelle Terry Went from Overworked to Balanced While Raising Her Income.

Year Before Coaching
3rd Year: 257% Growth

The Results Were .

Once Michelle started trusting her coach and adopting Workman Success Systems’ unique approach to business coaching, the results came — and they were staggering.

Year Before Coaching


1st Year: 48.8% Growth


2nd Year: 54.4% Growth


3rd Year: 55.4% Growth


"When I heard Verl speak, I knew he cared a lot about helping people succeed. I loved the systems and processes he presented."
Workman Success Triangles
Michelle Terry
Team Leader

Michelle took her real estate business from under $350K a year in commissions to over $1 million.

case study women group
The Challenge

Prior to partnering with Workman Success Systems, Michelle thought her real estate business was booming. Her team was pulling in almost 350K in commissions annually and showed no signs of slowing down. Her real estate life was perfect!

Well, almost perfect…

Michelle was exhausted.

“I was so frazzled. I didn’t have any systems and processes or help in place to be able to take care of my business if I was away.”

Michelle wanted more time and freedom, but was terrified of what would happen to her business if she tried to scale back her involvement in the day-to-day.

The Goal

“I could sell a whole lot of houses, but there’d be times when I could count 120 days in a row that I didn’t have a day off. I felt like the Tasmanian Devil — rushing here and there and constantly putting out fires all over the place! My heart was racing 100 miles an hour.”

She knew there had to be a way to get more out of her time without hurting her business, but she didn’t know where to start.

The Solution

Until she heard Verl Workman speak at a conference.

“When I heard Verl speak, I knew he cared a lot about helping people succeed. I loved the systems and processes he presented. I met Verl in 2017 — I wish I had met him back in 1997.”

Michelle set an appointment with one of Workman’s business analysts right away.

Of course, the change didn’t come all at once.

“I learned a lot of hard lessons that first year as I tried to put my own spin on everything that was already created.”

The Inspiration

Shifting Michelle's Mindset and .

A key way Michelle has driven these results has been to form a team to help her grow her business.

“I was just an agent running a brokerage, without enough time to help everybody to build their business and foundation — an awful lot of that has changed.”

Erika Ramsland belongs to Michelle’s team and says that the systems and processes they’ve learned from Workman Success Systems have made all the difference:

“We noticed it really working — just one deal after another, rolling into each other. The systems allowed that to happen. They keep us organized. They tell us when to follow up, what to do, what to say, all of that. It keeps us in line and allows us to make those deals continue to happen.”

By plugging into these powerful systems, the average agent on Michelle’s team closes over 24 deals a year, with a GCI in excess of $225,000.

Our team study found that only 56% of real estate professionals say they have systems in place for business activities repeated three or more times. Working with Workman Success Systems helped Michelle build and utilize those systems and her results speak for themselves.

Let's Talk

Come see for yourself — Michelle’s results are typical of clients who apply the systems, processes, and behaviors their coaches identify as missing from their business.

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